Monday, August 10, 2009

Getting Stronger All the Time, "Check me out"

Avarie is continuing to do really well. Her biopsy results for the graft vs. host came back today as negative. That is great news, we finally figured out what is causing all her tummy pain and diarrhea, it is our infamous battle with C-Dif. GRRRR! I started suspecting that last Thursday night, her poo started to look a certain look that I have become familiar with, so I took a sample in on Friday and results came back today, Positive! So back on Flagyl we go.
Avarie is continuing to get really strong, she is walking holding on to almost anything, she definitely still needs a lot of physical therapy help her strengthen her legs and learn to rewalk correctly. I'm going to discuss it with the Dr's tomorrow. I would really like her to be back in Physical Therapy Rehab over at Emanuel, but right now she is just not allowed to be around people and we have to be so careful with germs, so thats just not the best option for her at the moment. But don't worry Emanuel, we'll be back soon. She is doing so great, she can't wait to come and see all her friends there.
I've attached a little video of her cruising around, and of course there is one of Avarie's famous melt downs at the end of the video. She has been so sweet the last several months, with only meltdowns when there is high anxiety for her. The last several days have been almost constant meltdowns. This is the longest she has lived at home since the end of September and I think having to deal with the whole family dynamic and not be the center of everyones attention is wearing on her a little and having to share and deal with annoying little brothers that want to try to ride her like a horse doesn't help. She's just too darn cute crawling around on the floor, he just can't help himself he wants to ride her. At least he's not smacking and throwing things at her anymore, or well at least not as much.
So we are just hanging out and being bored together. It is nice to all be together, but oh my I can't wait for school to start again and get these kids out of the house and on a normal routine again. That word normal makes me laugh, but I know its still possible.


KeriLyn and Matthew said...

I am glad you are all together....and how exciting to see her getting stronger. We sure do miss you here in Battle Ground.

Kirsten said...

It's so great seeing her up and walking. I have to say I cried. She is looking so good. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as always.

Harries Family said...

Its so great that she is walking so much better. Get your web cam up so we can chat live. Miss you ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

So glad that Avarie continues to improve! I am keeping your family in my thoughts.

Northwest Minuteman said...

Awesome job Avarie. We are so happy you are doing so well. Jenelle, great job on becoming a poo inspector. We pray for you constantly!