Friday, July 10, 2009

Pictures and Video's from the Hospital


Lyndsee said...

Hi Jenelle-It was really good to see you and Avarie yesterday. I hope that our visit lifted her spirits a little. It sure lifted ours.
Hey, I have a question for you, and please know that you can totally say no if you are not comfortable with it, but I was wondering if it was okay to put the picture of me, Melanie and Megan with Avarie on my Facebook page. It's completely fine it you don't want me to, though. Just let me know. I will put my email address at the end.
I hope that you all have a good weekend. We will keep in touch with you and hopefully we can come visist again. Tell Avarie hi for us!


PS-You have GREAT music selections on Avarie's blog :)

mommyof6 said...

My kids loved watching her video. They miss her so much. Love you all

Amber G. said...

Cute!!! It is so good to see Avarie smiling and laughing and having fun! Thanks for the pics and video! I really enjoyed them =)

Gabriel said...

Fantastic video! Avarie seems to be dealing with losing hair better than anyone! Its wonderful that she can laugh at it. post more videos~!

Wilson Family said...

She is so adorable..congrats on the transplant avarie. We hope that things keep going in your favor:)Love the video.