Sunday, October 12, 2008

Day 5 Chemo

So we were going to go home today, but a couple of Avarie's blood levels are off. She was taking a med to help with the PH Balance in her blood that the chemo can throw off. They stopped that med last night and then her uric acid levels rose today. They want her body to be able to take over and get rid of all of the dead leukemia cells, they just give her the med in the beginning to help her because in the beginning is when there is the largest concentration of dieing leukemia cells. They are going to test her blood again in a couple of hours, but they are pretty sure they want to watch her at least one more night. Also her phosphorus levels were up. I don't know what that means, I forgot to ask. I'll have to ask the next time they come in.
So I think Craig is going to come up and stay the night with her tonight and I will go home and see my other kids and get them off to school in the morning and then come and pick Avarie and Craig up.
Her pain is doing much better. She is off the pain med drip, where they were just keeping her at a constant level with the ability to push a button for additional pain when it gets bad. She is doing great just taking oxycodone right now with only occasionally needing to push the button.
There is still a possibility she may go home tonight if her levels come back really good, but it sounded like they really wanted her to stay one more night. I'll keep you informed.