Tuesday, November 25, 2008

First day with a WHEELCHAIR!

Avarie was fitted for a wheelchair today. She will be in one for a while because I found out that they will not put her in the rehab program until her numbers are good for a consistent length of time. That will be a few months from now, I think. It is all a little unclear to me. I think it is unclear to them too, it is just a take it as it comes right now. I tried to take a picture of her in her chair, but my Sister has my memory card and so I couldn't get the picture, sorry. Believe me it was cute. Although it is a little sad looking too to see that they make wheelchairs that small. She did not like the wheelchair at all. That's not a huge surprise there is very little Avarie likes right now. We just do it anyway, our goal is to have her up and in it at least 3 times a day. We are trying to increase her endurance and trying to not let her stay bedridden.
They have started to back track on the idea of us going home for a couple of days. Avarie just still has fevers. They are not 104, but they are still around 102. Cancer kids are typically hospitalized if they have a fever of 101 or more or if they have a fever of 100.4 for more then two hours. Fevers are a pretty serious thing for them. And the 5 antibiotics she is on is a problem too. They are hoping over the next 24-48 hours we will have some answers on some of this and hopefully be on track to getting these infections completely under control, but they are just starting to talk more like "well we hope you can go home for a couple of days" instead of "we are trying to get you home for a couple of days", just a little difference in talk, but they keep saying the words like "hope" and "don't be too disappointed if she's just not ready". Honestly I knew it was a long shot to begin with, but I am a little disappointed to think that it may not happen. I miss my family just being together.
Craig was able to come up to the hospital today for a couple of hours. It was nice to visit with him. Thank you to everyone who made that possible today. We really enjoyed just being able to talk to each other and be in the same room for longer then 20 minutes.
Oh a cute note for my sister in law Becky. Avarie's major motivation right now is baby Grant. That is Avarie's new baby cousin he is 3 weeks old and he came to visit Avarie Sunday night. She acted like she was totally not interested in the baby, because she does not like to let anyone know that she cares about anything right now, but I knew she was very excited about the baby. She now will only do things for him. Like yesterday they were doing an activity where they frosted and decorated turkey cookies. The only way we could convince her to do it was to do it for Grant. Of course he can't eat it so she said that Becky could eat it and then Baby Grant could get it through his mommy. My kids were obsessed with this idea the whole time with Sawyer too. The nurses all thought it was so cute. She ended up really enjoying making the cookie. Then today in her wheelchair we tried to convince her to color a picture on a giant piece of paper that was taped to the wall. She refused and threw the pen. Again we used Grant for the motivation. It worked, kinda, she still cried through the whole thing, but she at least made it. So Becky it is hanging on her hospital wall for Grant. She wants you to put it in his room. She says since he is a new baby he doesn't have any pictures of his own.


Becky said...

Oh Jenell, that's so funny! Grant will have to come up again to visit her and get his picture. I'm glad you found something to movitate her. I hope you get news soon about the infections and fevers. I know you want to go home for a while and just feel normal with your family.

mommyof6 said...

I am putting most of my prayer efforts for Monday's results. I am praying that she might be in remission or at least have really low counts. I know you want to go home and I am hopeful that if things look good Monday, and hopefully the fevers subside by then also, the day will come soon when you will all be home together again. I think we should all fast on Sunday, I'll spread the word. Talk to ya later.

Jenell said...

No we can't go home on Monday. It was only for this weekend would we be able to go home if we could. Monday starts the next chemo and so she will have to stay in the hospital again starting Monday. We were just hoping to have a little break before Monday. So really she would have to start doing really great by Friday to be able to go home maybe on Saturday.

Harries Family said...

Yeah for Grant! Sorry about the memory card, I gave it to mom because I thought she would somehow get it to you, but we will get in to you soon. I really hope that Avarie can come home, how nice would that be. Miss ya and love you,

Twyst said...

I'm so glad she's found something to motivate her! Knowing she can be stronger with something to look forward to is pretty hopeful in my opinion. I hope she can find more things to look forward to too.

I hope you guys have a nice Thanksgiving!